With experience, you will almost instantly know which of the ballroom and latin styles to dance when you hear a piece of music, but to help you get there we have the following flow chart.
Read MoreUnsurprisingly, dance schools vary greatly in what they offer and the quality of their tuition. This article is intended to help guide the new dancer in finding the right school for them, but it applies equally to the existing dancer who is considering trying out a new school.
Read MoreModern Jive is a very non-sexy name for an easy and sociable dance. It takes elements of many other dance styles and puts them all into one
Read MoreThe Argentine Tango is a completely different dance from the Ballroom Tango. Unlike the ballroom dances, the partners’ hold (or embrace as it is known) is flexible, and each partner can pivot around their own axis, their partners’ axis or a point in between them. This enables this dance to achieve positions and movements that a more formal hold would not.
Read MoreBallroom and Latin is the name for a group of eleven dances (usually thought of as ten). Whilst there are many differences between the Ballroom and Latin dances, they are almost always grouped together, so a group class would cover both the Ballroom and the Latin dances
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